Psychotherapy is a way to improve mental health and general well-being. Psychotherapeutic sessions serve to deepen the understanding of one's own patterns, the emergence and management of the developed symptoms, as well as the awareness of individual needs, values ​​and strengths.
As a specialist for cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) I believe that learning from experience drives our 'behaviour' (our thoughts, emotions, physical reactions and actions) and it also drives change. Therefore, in addition to psychotherapeutic dialogs, CBT often includes guided exercises (e.g. exposures, role plays, stress reduction) or experimenting with changes in everyday life. CBT has proven to be effective in case of a variety of mental health problems. A CBT treatment is planned according to scientific knowledge about the symptoms/conditions and according to your individual intentions.
I offer single treatment and psychotherapy in group settings. One-on-one sessions allow maximal focus on your individual treatment plan, whereas the group setting is a richer opportunity to explore and resolve fears and difficulties in the relations to others. More detailed information about how to start a treatment and different treatment schedules you can find here. A treatment with me is possible in German and English.
Gruppen und Skilltrainings
Ich biete psychotherapeutische Gruppen und Fertigkeitstrainings an. Skill-Training-Gruppen konzentrieren sich meist auf ein bestimmtes Thema, zum Beispiel die Regulierung von Emotionen oder die Verbesserung sozialer Kompetenz. Andere psychotherapeutische Gruppen sind themenoffener. Bitte kontaktieren Sie mich für Informationen zu den aktuellen Gruppenangeboten.
Das Gruppensetting ist eine großartige Gelegenheit, Muster zu erfahren und zu lösen, die in der Beziehung zu anderen auftreten und die unsere Fähigkeit beeinflussen, befriedigende Verbindungen herzustellen. Gruppen beleuchten unsere Schwachstellen, Ängste und Stärken in Beziehungen. Psychotherapeutische Gruppen bieten eine sichere Umgebung, um neue Interaktionsstile spielerisch zu erforschen und zu üben. Wenn eine Gruppe auf verständnisvolle, nicht wertende und unterstützende Weise zusammenkommt, kann dies eine große Hilfe bei der Korrektur von Wunden aus vernachlässigenden und missbräuchlichen Beziehungen sein.
I offer coaching to support the integration of psychedelic experiences. An active approach to integration aims to maximize the transformational power of the experience. Also it can ease the integration of very challenging psychedelic experiences and reduce harmful processes.
This coaching gives space to express content of the experience, explore the connections to your intentions, your biography, your present life situation, deriving meaning for your life, which can lead towards changes in life that you feel you wish to take. I am drawing on my experience and skills as a psychotherapist, which include variety of tools in handling inner states, relationships and psychological problems.
Please feel free to contact me if you have questions or wish to schedule a first session.